5 Key Elements Of A Great Corporate Video Script
A great corporate video starts with a great script. But what makes a good script? Here are 5 key elements to add to yours.
Keep it Short
People have a limited attention span. If you're producing a marketing video, don't expect your audience to pay attention for more than a couple of minutes, so get to the point. And when you're done, considering trimming the video one more time for good measure.
Make it Simple
The more you include in the video, the less likely it is that people will come away with the right conclusions and remember what you want them to remember. Stick with one goal and assess how each element — every picture, every sentence, and every visual flair — adds to that goal. And keep the graphics and effects to a minimum so they don't distract.
Move the Audience
Aim the video at your audience by doing two things. First, think about the people in your target audience: what are their interests, their goals, and their problems? How can your company help with these things? Is your audience multicultural? Multi-gendered? Are they looking for a career at your business or interested in the product? Secondly, appeal to that audience with a simple and emotional connection rather than facts and figures. Make them want something rather than trying to teach them something.
Add Personal Stories
Personal stories are a great way to reach your audience. A brewery, for instance, could either show their beer being enjoyed by customers in a tavern or it could talk to the brewmaster about what inspires him or her to make beer. If it's a recruiting video, why not talk to current employees about why they love working there? Or follow a new employee on her first day with your company. Which methods do you think your audience will remember more?
Include a Surprise
Since you have such a short time to make an impression, try to include at least one memorable surprise. If you want to hook the audience right away, throw in this surprise in the first 30 seconds. Or, end with a bang — such as with a surprise greeting by the company president while shaving in the morning or a wave goodbye by all the employees' children. Have fun and catch people by surprise.
No matter what the aim of your corporate video, you can make something that will stand out from the crowd by following these few tips. Contact a professional video production service today for more assistance in making a video you'll love to share.